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Core Libraries


Inherited by the Factory contract. Main purpose is to hold the LyfeblocDMMv2Pool creation code in a separate address, since its creation code is close to the bytecode size limit of 24kB.


Returns the 2 addresses where the creation code of the contract created by this factory is stored.


Returns the creation code of the contract this factory creates.


Taken from Facilitates multiplication and division that can have overflow of an intermediate value without any loss of precision. Handles "phantom overflow" i.e., allows multiplication and division where an intermediate value overflows 256 bits.


Returns (a * b / denominator) rounded down. | Input | Type | Explanation | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | a | uint256 | multiplicand | | b | uint256 | multiplier | | denominator | uint256 | divisor |


Similar to mulDivFloor, but rounded up.


A doubly linked list to be used for tick management.

Struct: Data

previousint24previous tick
nextint24next tick


Initializes the LinkedList with the lowestValue and highestValue, where

  • lowestValue.previous = lowestValue
  • = highestValue
  • highestValue.previous = lowestValue
  • = highestValue
selfmapping(int24 => Data)A mapping of int24 values to the Data struct
lowestValueint24lowest value
highestValueint24highest value


Inserts a new value into the LinkedList, given an existing lower value. The new value to be inserted should not be an existing value. Also, the condition lowerValue < newValue < should be satisfied.

selfmapping(int24 => Data)A mapping of int24 values to the Data struct
newValueint24value to be inserted
lowerValueint24highest existing value in the linked list that is < newValue


Removes an existing value from the LinkedList. Returns the next lowest value (existingValue.previous).

Note that no removal is performed if removedValue happens to be the lowestValue or highestValue passed in init().

selfmapping(int24 => Data)A mapping of int24 values to the Data struct
removedValueint24value to be removed


Contains a function to assist with the addition of signed liquidityDelta to unsigned liquidity.


Adds or remove uint128 liquidityDelta to uint128 liquidity | Field | Type | Explanation | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | liquidity | uint128 | Liquidity to be adjusted| | liquidityDelta | int128 | quantity change to be applied | | isAddLiquidity | bool | true = add liquidity, false = remove liquidity |


Contains constants commonly used by multiple files.


Contains functions for calculating token0 and token1 quantites from differences in prices or from burning reinvestment tokens


Calculate the token0 and token1 quantities needed for unlocking the pool given an initial price and liquidity. | Input Field | Type | Explanation | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | initialSqrtP | uint160 | initial sqrt price raised by 2**96 | | liquidity | uint128 | initial liquidity. should be MIN_LIQUIDITY = 100000 |

Return FieldTypeExplanation
qty0uint256token0 quantity required
qty1uint256token1 quantity required


Calculates the token0 quantity between 2 sqrt prices for a given liquidity quantity.

Note that the function assumes that upperSqrtP > lowerSqrtP.


lowerSqrtPuint160the lower sqrt price
upperSqrtPuint128the upper sqrt price
liquidityint128liquidity quantity
isAddLiquiditybooltrue = add liquidity, false = remove liquidity


int256token0 qty required for position with liquidity between the 2 sqrt prices

Generally, if the return value > 0, it will be transferred into the pool. Conversely, if the return value < 0, it will be transferred out of the pool.


Calculates the token1 quantity between 2 sqrt prices for a given liquidity quantity.

Note that the function assumes that upperSqrtP > lowerSqrtP.


lowerSqrtPuint160the lower sqrt price
upperSqrtPuint128the upper sqrt price
liquidityint128liquidity quantity
isAddLiquiditybooltrue = add liquidity, false = remove liquidity


int256token0 qty required for position with liquidity between the 2 sqrt prices

Generally, if the return value > 0, it will be transferred into the pool. Conversely, if the return value < 0, it will be transferred out of the pool.


Calculates the token0 quantity to be sent to the user for a given amount of reinvestment tokens to be burnt.

Input FieldTypeExplanation
sqrtPuint160the current sqrt price
liquidityuint128expected change in reinvestment liquidity due to the burning of reinvestment


Calculates the token1 quantity to be sent to the user for a given amount of reinvestment tokens to be burnt.

Input FieldTypeExplanation
sqrtPuint160the current sqrt price
liquidityuint128expected change in reinvestment liquidity due to the burning of reinvestment


Returns ceil(x / y). y should not be zero.



Given a variant of the quadratic equation $ax^2 - 2bx + c - 0$ where $a$, $b$ and $c > 0$, calculate the smaller root via the quadratic formula.

Returns $\frac{b - \sqrt{b^2 - ac}}{a}$ | Input Field | Type | | -------- | -------- | | a | uint256 | | b | uint256 | | c | uint256 |


Unchanged from [DMMv1]( sol#L36-L48). Calculates the square root of a value using the Babylonian method.


Contains a helper function to calculate reinvestment tokens to be minted given an increase in reinvestment liquidity.


Given the difference between reinvestL and reinvestLLast, calculate how many reinvestment tokens are to be minted. $rMintQty = rTotalSupply \frac{reinvestL - reinvestL{Last}}{reinvestL{Last}} \frac{baseL}{baseL + reinvestL}$ | Input Field | Type | Explanation | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | reinvestL | uint256 | latest reinvestment liquidity value. Should be >= reinvestLLast | | reinvestLLast | uint256 | reinvestmentLiquidityLast value | baseL | uint256 | active base liquidity | | rTotalSupply | uint256 | total supply of reinvestment token |


Contains methods for safely casting between different types.


Casts a uint256 to a uint32. Reverts on overflow.


Casts a uint128 to a int128. Reverts on overflow.


Casts a uint256 to a uint128. Reverts on overflow.


Given int128 y, returns uint128 z = -y.


Casts a uint256 to a uint160. Reverts on overflow.


Casts a uint256 to a int256. Reverts on overflow.


Cast a uint256 to a int256 and reverses the sign. Reverts on overflow.


Given int256 y, returns uint256 z = -y.


Contains the logic needed for computing swap input / output amounts and fees. The primary function to look at is computeSwapStep, as it is where the bulk of the swap flow logic is in, and where calls to the other functions in the library are made.


Computes the actual swap input / output amounts to be deducted or added, the swap fee to be collected and the resulting price.


liquidityuint256active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
currentSqrtPuint160current sqrt price
targetSqrtPuint160sqrt price limit nextSqrtP can take
feeInBpsuint256swap fee in basis points
specifiedAmountint256amount remaining to be used for the swap
isExactInputbooltrue if specifiedAmount refers to input amount, false if specifiedAmount refers
to output amount
isToken0booltrue if specifiedAmount is in token0, false if specifiedAmount is in token1


usedAmountint256actual amount to be used for the swap. >= 0 if isExactInput = true, <= 0 if
isExactInput = false
returnedAmountint256output qty (<= 0) to be accumulated if isExactInput = true, input qty (>= 0)
if isExactInput = false
deltaLuint256collected swap fee, to be incremented to reinvest liquidity
nextSqrtPuint160new sqrt price after the computed swap step


nextSqrtP should not exceed targetSqrtP.


Calculates the amount needed to reach targetSqrtP from currentSqrtP. Note that currentSqrtP and targetSqrtP are casted from uint160 to uint256 as they are multiplied by TWO_BPS (20_000) or feeInBps.

The mathematical formulas are provided below for reference. | isExactInput | isToken0 | Formula | | ----- | ------------ | ------------ | | true | true | $\frac{2BPSL(\sqrt{p_c} - \sqrt{p_n})}{\sqrt{p_c}(2BPS\sqrt{p_n} - fee\sqrt{p_c})}$ (>0) | | true | false | $\frac{2BPS\sqrt{p_c}L(\sqrt{p_n} - \sqrt{p_c})}{(2BPS\sqrt{p_c} - fee\sqrt{p_n})}$ (>0) | | false | true | $-\frac{2BPSL(\sqrt{p_n} - \sqrt{p_c})}{\sqrt{p_c}(2BPS\sqrt{p_n} - fee\sqrt{p_c})}$ (<0) | | false | false | $-\frac{2BPS\sqrt{p_c}L(\sqrt{p_c} - \sqrt{p_n})}{(2BPS\sqrt{p_c} - fee\sqrt{p_n})}$ (<0) |

Note that while cases 1 and 3 and cases 2 and 4 are mathematically equivalent, the implementation differs by performing a double negation for the exact output cases. It takes the difference of $\sqrt{p_n}$ and $\sqrt{p_c} $ in the numerator (>0), then performing a second negation.

Input FieldTypeFormula VariableExplanation
liquidityuint256$L$active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
currentSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_c}$current sqrt price
targetSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_n}$sqrt price limit nextSqrtP can take
feeInBpsuint256$fee$swap fee in basis points
isExactInputboolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount refers to input / output amount
isToken0boolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount is in token0 / token1 respectively


Estimates deltaL, the swap fee to be collected based on amountSpecified. This is called only for the final swap step, where the next (temporary) tick will not be crossed.

In the case where exact input is specified, the formula is rather straightforward. | isToken0 | Formula | | -------- | ------- | | true | $\frac{deltafee\sqrt{p_c}}{2BPS}$ | | false | $\frac{deltafee}{2BPS\sqrt{p_c}}$ |

In the case where exact ouput is specified, a quadratic equation has to be solved. The desired result is the smaller root of the quadratic equation.

Input FieldTypeFormula VariableExplanation
absDeltauint256$delta$${|}$usedAmount${|}$, absolute value of usedAmount (actual amount
used for swap)
liquidityuint256$L$active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
currentSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_c}$current sqrt price
feeInBpsuint256$fee$swap fee in basis points
isExactInputboolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount refers to input / output amount
isToken0boolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount is in token0 / token1 respectively


Calculates deltaL, the swap fee to be collected based on amountSpecified. This is called for an intermediate swap step, where the next (temporary) tick will be crossed.

The mathematical formulas are provided below for reference. | isExactInput | isToken0 | Formula | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | | true | true | $\sqrt{p_n}(\frac{L}{\sqrt{p_c}}+|delta|)-L$ | | true | false | $\frac{(L\sqrt{p_c})+|delta|}{\sqrt{p_n}}-L$ | | false | true | $\sqrt{p_n}(\frac{L}{\sqrt{p_c}}-|delta|)-L$ | | false | false | $\frac{(L\sqrt{p_c})-|delta|}{\sqrt{p_n}}-L$ |

Input FieldTypeFormula VariableExplanation
absDeltauint256|$delta$|${|}$usedAmount${|}$, absolute value of usedAmount (actual
amount used for swap)
liquidityuint256$L$active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
currentSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_c}$current sqrt price
nextSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_n}$next sqrt price
isExactInputboolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount refers to input / output amount
isToken0boolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount is in token0 / token1 respectively


Calculates the sqrt price of the final swap step where the next (temporary) tick will not be crossed.

The mathematical formulas are provided below for reference. | isExactInput | isToken0 | Formula | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | | true | true | $\frac{(L+\Delta{L})\sqrt{p_c}}{L+|delta|\sqrt{p_c}}$ | | true | false | $\frac{L\sqrt{p_c}+|delta|}{L+\Delta{L}}$ | | false | true | $\frac{(L+\Delta{L})\sqrt{p_c}}{L-|delta|\sqrt{p_c}}$ | | false | false | $\frac{L\sqrt{p_c}-|delta|}{L+\Delta{L}}$ |

Input FieldTypeFormula VariableExplanation
absDeltauint256|$delta$|${|}$usedAmount${|}$, absolute value of usedAmount (actual
amount used for swap)
liquidityuint256$L$active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
deltaLuint256$\Delta{L}$collected swap fee
currentSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_c}$current sqrt price
isExactInputboolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount refers to input / output amount
isToken0boolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount is in token0 / token1 respectively


Calculates returnedAmount for the computeSwapStep function. Rounds down when isExactInput = true (calculating output < 0) so that we avoid sending too much. Conversely, rounds up when isExactInput = false to ensure sufficient input > 0 will be received.

The mathematical formulas are provided below for reference.

isToken0 = true

The formula is actually the same, with the difference being made to the operands to ensure the price difference is non-negative.


isToken0 = false

$\frac{L+\Delta{L}}{\sqrt{p_n}} - \frac{L}{\sqrt{p_c}}$

Input FieldTypeFormula VariableExplanation
liquidityuint256$L$active base liquidity + reinvestment liquidity
currentSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_c}$current sqrt price
nextSqrtPuint160$\sqrt{p_n}$next sqrt price
deltaLuint256$\Delta{L}$collected swap fee
isExactInputboolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount refers to input / output amount
isToken0boolN.A.true / false if specified swap amount is in token0 / token1 respectively


Contains functions for computing square root prices from ticks and vice versa. Adapted from Uniswap V3's TickMath library.


MIN_TICKint24-887272Minimum possible tick = ${log_{1.0001}2^{-128}}$
MAX_TICKint24887272Minimum possible tick = ${log_{1.0001}2^{128}}$


Given a int24 tick, calculates ${\sqrt{1.0001^{tick}} * 2^{96}}$.


Given a square root price ratio uint160 sqrtP, calculates the greatest tick such that getSqrtRatioAtTick (tick) <= sqrtP.

Note that MIN_SQRT_RATIO <= sqrtP <= MAX_SQRT_RATIO, otherwise the function will revert.


Used to calculate the maximum liquidity allowable per tick. This function calculates the maximum number of ticks that can be inserted into the LinkedList, given a tickDistance.

_tickDistanceint24Ticks can only be initialized at multiples of this value.