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Appendix A: Range Mechanism


The goal is to accurately account a position's accured fees accured and duration for which it is active. A position is defined to be active if the current pool tick lies within the lower and upper ticks of the position.

Global value

The feeGrowthGlobal and secondsPerLiquidityGlobal variables represent the total amount for 1 unit of unbounded liquidity.

Outside value

The outside value (feeGrowthOutside and secondsPerLiquidityOutside) for a tick represents the accumulated value relative to the currentTick. By definition, we can visually represent it to be as such:

  • tick <= currentTick
  • tick > currentTick


When a tick is initialized, all growth is assumed to happen below it. Hence, the outside value is initialized to the following values under these cases:

  • tick <= currentTick: outside value := global value
  • tick > currentTick: outside value := 0

Crossing ticks

Due to the definition of the outside value, a tick's outside value is reversed whenever the pool tick crosses it. Specifically, outside value := global value - outside value.


When swapping downtick, the current tick is further decremented by 1. This is to ensure a tick's outside value is interpreted correctly. swapData.currentTick = willUpTick ? tempNextTick : tempNextTick - 1;

Calculating value inside ticks

The current tick can be

  1. below a position (currentTick < lowerTick) The value inside can therefore be calculated as tickLower's outside value - tickUpper's outside value
  2. within a position (lowerTick <= currentTick < upperTick) The value inside can therefore be calculated as global value - (lower + upper tick's outside values)
  3. above a position (upperTick <= currentTick) The value inside can therefore be calculated as tickUpper's outside value - tickLower's outside value

Appendix B: Tick-range Mechanism

  • To represent liquidity mapping, LyfeblocDMM uses linked list, the linked list always starts by MIN_TICK and ends by MAX_TICK.

  • The pool also need to track to the highest initialized tick which is lower than or equal to currentTick (aka nearestCurrentTick).

For example:

  • the pool is initalized at tick 5, the linked list will be [MIN_TICK, MAX_TICK] andnearestCurrentTick will be MIN_TICK.
  • A adds liquidity at tick [-5, 10], the linked list will be [MIN_TICK, -5, 10, MAX_TICK] and nearestCurrentTick will be -5.
  • C adds liquidity at tick [0, 100], the linked list will be [MIN_TICK, -5, 0, 10, 100, MAX_TICK] and nearestCurrentTick will be 0.
  • B swaps and currentTick = 15, then nearestCurrentTick will be 10
  • A remove all liquidity at tick [-5, 10], the linked list will be [MIN_TICK, 0, 100, MAX_TICK] andnearestCurrentTick will be 0.

Appendix C: Reinvest Mechanism

LyfeblocDMM does not take fee in forms of token0 and token1, the fee will be both tokens and reinvested into tick range from [0, infinity]

  • baseL is the liquidity from lp provider and reinvestL is the liquidity from the fee
  • User can still earn fee from reinvestL, so we create reinvestment token to represent the proportion of user in reinvestL.
  • Each time, users add/remove liquidity or cross a tick, we have to mint the reinvestment token equavalent to the increment of reinvestL by baseL. The formula to calculate mintQty is at `ReinvestmentMath.calcrMintQty
  • reinvestment token: after London hardfork, it is [costly]( gas-costs-after-berlin) to warm up another contract. Therfore, we decided to merge the reinvestment token and pool contract and the pool contract will be inherited from ERC20.